Crop protection for sustainability
One of the oldest and thriving sectors in the world is agriculture. Various crops are cultivated organically with the help of fertilizers. Over centuries crop protection has become the key driver for farmers to have good production. Adding the right minerals and nutrients to the soil makes crops consumable.
Today, the thrust on sustainability is strong when it comes to choosing agrochemicals in this sector. Losses to farmers from pests, snails, and insects that destroy crops require adequate counter products. They are in demand globally. Companies supplying nutritive products to farmers have a strong role to play by offering the best supplies.
Ava Chemicals, from Mumbai, India is in the business of manufacturing and supplying agro-products related to crop protection. For the last 40 years, as EDTA Ferric Sodium manufacturers, it has been serving the global agriculture industry.
With deep experience and insight into the agrochemical business, we provide the following information to our potential customers. We throw light upon the use of authorized chemicals like EDTA Ferric Sodium-12% for crops to reach the harvest stage. The following content will enable readers to understand the need for sustainable chemical applications to support biodiversity and healthy human consumption.
What is EDTA Ferric Sodium?
If you are connected to the agriculture sector there is familiarity with this important chemical. It is a molluscicide for crop protection. Snails and slugs in the soil tend to rot the roots and harm the crops a great deal. It works for garden plants and prevents them from going bad.
As EDTA Ferric Sodium suppliers to various customers, we ensure our product profile matches the range of other fertilizers and minerals used by farmers for protection. Compatibility makes our products more profitable as return on investment is equally important.
Effectiveness and applications
When a product is functional at the right time, it blocks crop deficiencies. The EDTA Ferric Sodium-12% is easily available and in ready stock. Once the seeds are sowed in the field the product can be used. It helps in the overall growth of plants as a right nutrient. It does not contain heavy metals (which otherwise are traced in the soil). The enzymes are not affected thus proving the effectiveness.
As experienced EDTA Ferric Sodium manufacturers, we ensure the product applied works with immediate effect. All enzymes are activated for plant growth. It helps to build chlorophyll for synthesis. The product also works in cold temperature and maintains starches of sugar-based plants.
The best way to use the agrochemicals is through foliar spraying or application during irrigation. We offer EDTA Ferric Sodium-12% (considering the weight & volume). If the farmland is small, spraying is the best option. For larger areas, the irrigation method is more suitable and effective.
Ava Chemicals is a leading agrochemical supplier from India catering to customers based in nearly 40 countries. We offer premium-quality of agrochemicals. Our products are high-performing after testing to meet different parameters. Safety, sustainability, and environmental-friendly are key drivers for practical applications. No matter where you are located in the world, we handle the logistics to complete the order.