The only constant is change… !!
Our Company continuously strives to keep improving the quality of our products and service standards.
Towards this endeavour, from 1st November 2024, we have introduced New improved quality bags for all our products. Additionally we have also changed the look and feel of the bags.
The new bags would be with our Corporate logo in Blue / Green colour combination along with border in the same two colours. All the AVA certification information is also displayed. The product names have been printed on the side panels of each bag for easy recognition by operation staff. Images of the new bags are attached for your reference.
The bags are brighter in colour, with bigger font and with higher thickness and hence more sturdier and export worthy with a weight bearing capacity of 50 kgs. However, as a standard practice, we pack only 25 kgs net weight material.
Henceforth you will receive all of your orders packaged in our new premium quality bags, which are now thicker and safer for your team to handle. The new packaging is also easily recyclable, minimizing cost of disposal and assists in reducing carbon footprint.
Thank you again for your support of AVA Chemicals products. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your AVA Chemicals representative or reach me at: relations@avachemicals.com